Legal Videography Services

Legal videography services for litigation and depositions. Delivering top quality videos for discovery and Levidco provides evidence. Decades of video experience and a proven track record make Levidco a step above the rest. Contact today to learn more about our legal videography services in Chicago & Indiana.

Legal Videography

Top legal videography service for video depositions, witness video streaming, telephony depositions, and more. We offer state and national court reporter agencies an opportunity to have their own video department support.

Legal Video Editing

Full-service legal video editing by educated and experienced professionals. Levidco’s staff knows how to adapt to any discrepancies and provide the cleanest edit possible.

Site Inspection

Site inspection can document safety hazards or defects. Site Inspections are good to document homes, damaged property, and more. Show test results, accident scenes, constructions areas, and show person injuries and there effects. We have been recording these videos for close to 20 years.

Media Duplication

Need old VHS recordings transferred to DVD or MPEG to save the sound and picture? Levidco offers full-service media transfers, as well as duplication in many media formats including DVD, MPEG encoding, MPG4, CD, VHS, miniDV, audio cassette, and much more.

Corporate Training Videos

Corporate training videos can be produced for employee instruction or worker safety. Our videographers and editors can construct videos that display your company’s information in a clear concise manner.

Construction Services

Construction services: video/photo surveys for construction sites or factory plants.

Zoom Video Streaming – Mobile Video Conference

Video streaming allows participants to view a deposition from a neutral location in real time.

Video Will or Document Signings

Video will signing can help document the state of mind of the signatory and also time-stamp the documents so no later documents may be used in their place.

Sound Enhancement

Bad audio quality by the previous videographer? Can’t hear important testimony audio? We take your audio and/or video projects to a new level of clarity. Let us take your project a higher quality so the jury can really see and hear what is important.

Audio Recording

Need someone to record audio of a special event or board meeting or legal proceeding? Levidco uses quality equipment and supplies professionals that can handle the job. We capture the best possible audio recording.

IME Videos

We have recorded many IME’s and know how to do them unobtrusively.

Legal Videography Services
Legal Videograhers
Zoom Hybrid Legal Videographers
Accurate Legal Video Editing
Courtroom Presentation
Picture in Picture Depositions
Video Streaming
Transcript Synchronization
Day-in-the-Life Videos
Settlement Brochure
Construction Video Services
Will Signings
MPEG Encoding -Duplication
Video Transfers
Training Videos
IME Videos
Professional Audio Recording
Courtroom Presentation