Zoom Hybrid Legal Videographers

Our zoom videographers help set up remote witnesses for presentation at trial or for depositions. We troubleshoot sound and picture issues as well as internet related ones. They monitor the internet connection stream, so you get the best results when possible. We can also provide the knowledge of the gear needed for the job.

Zoom Hybrid Legal Videographers

We have been streaming depositions videos for over 18 years and before zoom existed. Don’t trust your million dollar case to a person who just presses a button in zoom, then doesn’t monitor the audio and video. A legal videographer who is trained in sound and video is what you need. Want the best zoom results for your trial, then use videographers when using zoom or video conferences.

We can also provide Hybrid Legal Videographers at trial for witness’s who attend from out of town. Top technical assistance for your case so your witness can be seen and heard. They can also interact with documents, diagrams, audio, or video.